Laura Fregeau

Cooking up results: Savor Recipes doubles down on high impact ads to engage dorm room chefs

As the advertising industry reckons with the loss of third-party cookies across the internet, the importance of creative in a brands marketing strategy cannot be underestimated. 

From the Big Game to Big Ideas: Using Super Bowl Ad Learnings for Future Campaign Planning

Another Super Bowl has come and gone. Celebrities were spotted, bets were placed, and brands...

PLAYBOOK: Elevate your digital advertising game with the power of high impact creative

How to Win with High Impact Creative

With the increasing shift of consumer attention and...

PLAYBOOK: How to win with high impact creative

How to win with high impact creative

Today’s advertising landscape reflects a changing cultural...

Top Trends in CPG Rich Media Advertising for 2024

As we head into the exciting year of 2024, the world of rich media advertising is poised for some...

What's in store for 2024? PadSquad's Digital Media and Creative Predictions

Looking ahead to 2024, the evolution of digital media and creative is set to be remarkable. From...

Navigating a cookie-free future in advertising

The loss of third-party cookies has been top of mind for advertisers and marketers these past few...

The Impact of Interactive Rich Media Ads on CPG Brand Loyalty

In the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry, interactive rich media ads have emerged as a...

Innovations in Political Advertising: What's Next for Campaigns?

Political campaigns are constantly seeking new ways to engage with voters and make a lasting...

Beyond Red and Blue: The Role of Visuals in Political Advertising

In today's fast-paced political landscape, political advertising plays a crucial role in shaping...

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