4 min read

6 Creative Design Best Practices for Mobile Advertising

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According to the latest research data from GSMA Intelligence, about 5.34 billion unique people are using mobile phones today. This, coupled with the ever-growing popularity of mobile media, opens up a gold mine of opportunities for mobile advertisers to connect with more consumers using more creative designs.

Mobile media has become part of our lives collectively. As of February 2021, the average time people spend daily on their smartphones in the United States alone is between 5-6 hours, says Statista. Meanwhile, the average time spent on the internet per person per day was 413 minutes in 2021. These vast opportunities dial up the pressure on digital marketers to get more creative with their mobile advertising designs. 

Based on experience working with different brands, here are 6 creative design best practices for mobile advertising that we think will help you drive higher consumer engagements and conversions.



1. Add Images to Increase Engagement

Research has shown that using an image that relates to the service or product being advertised or that of a human being has a significant positive impact on conversion rates. But using high-quality creative images that pique the interest of your target audience has the most profound results.

Experts believe that the choice of the image used in any mobile ad can be the difference between whether the ad is ignored or clicked on by viewers. Keep in mind that the right visuals will depend on the nature of your ad messages and campaign objectives. 


2. Leverage New Tech Like Augmented (AR) Reality

AR offers a few critical benefits when it comes to delivering mobile ads and driving increased sales and improved brand value. For instance, mobile ads can be made more interactive and engaging using the superimposing effect of augmented reality on consumers’ devices. Augmented reality ads are immersive, helping marketers create an emotional connection with customers.

According to a report by The Drum in 2018, “AR experiences can lead to dwell times of over 85 seconds, interaction rates of up to 20 percent, and CTRs to purchase of 33 percent”. This experience leverages the native functions of the device, meaning that they are practically impossible on other channels, such as desktops and TV - and can be combined with traditional marketing approaches.


3. Use Creative GIF Animations

Another unique creative tactic that you want to consider for mobile advertising is adding a subtle GIF animation. This can help to boost the click-through rate performance of your ads and engagement. 

The GIF image doesn’t have to be a complex design but it should not be boring, either. In any case, adding a GIF animation to your creative design elements is a sure-winning strategy for effective mobile ads.


4. Leverage Location in Your Creative

Nearly all mobile app developers include geolocation technologies in mobile apps, meaning you can consider adding location data in your creative. Location plays a vital role in programmatic advertising, as it allows marketers to send ads or promotional messages to consumers within specific geographic locations. Location-based marketing techniques allow for more specific targeting and personalization. It effectively boosts response rates and generates higher customer engagement.


5. Use Smaller File Sizes and Shorter Copies

To garner higher visitation rates, you want to keep your file size small and copy as short as possible. This is essential if you want your ad to load more quickly. Also remember that publishers typically prioritize their own content to your ads, meaning that mobile ads will mostly be the last items on a page to load. 

If the sizes of the assets are large, you risk having consumers scroll away before your ads load. Ads with short messages generally perform better on smartphones, compared to ads with longer content. So use shorter and more captivating copies and let your images do the talking. 


6. Use Personalized Messages

In today’s world of digital advertising, nothing beats the efficacy of personalized messaging. Always target your audiences with well-crafted personalized messages. Research shows that 44% of consumers are willing to switch to brands that use personalized messages. Personalization should always be on your creative design radar for mobile advertising. 


Final Words

The success of your mobile advertising campaigns depends on the quality and design of your ad creative. Using these creative design best practices will not only enable you to show more appealing ads to your target audience, but your ad performance will also improve. 

Contact us today to learn more about our award-winning mobile creative solutions. 

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