2 min read

PadSquad's Approach to a Cookie-less Future

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Remarkable Creative, Cookie-Free

With the evolving digital landscape, the gradual deprecation of third-party cookies poses a significant challenge for advertisers. However, this shift opens up new opportunities for innovative and privacy-compliant advertising strategies. At PadSquad, we are at the forefront of this transformation, delivering remarkable creative experiences that stimulate the senses and drive results—all without relying on third-party cookies.

A Future-Proof Solution to Identity

Our cookie-free approach combines thoughtful creative and media strategies that minimize the impact of third-party cookie deprecation while meeting advertisers' goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). By leveraging a combination of alternative identity solutions, first and second-party data, and contextual targeting, we ensure our campaigns are both effective and future-proof.

1. Universal ID: Platform-specific frameworks that are direct alternatives to cookies that operate on user consent while standardizing how advertisers and publishers identify users. 

2. 1st and 2nd-party data: First-party data is considered the most valuable way to connect to audiences. However, challenges in collection and scale make scaling its use difficult. This is where second-party data from publishers & partners enrich the view of the consumer while extending the reach of campaigns.

3. Contextual Targeting: A complement or alternative Universal IDs & 1st party data taps into the consumer mindset by aligning ad placement with the consumed content. This strategy has been proven to connect to a consumer's current interests and behaviors while relying on identity-free data such as content taxonomy, devices, or automatic content recognition.

4. Remarkable Creative: Research shows that ad quality significantly influences purchase intent, contributing to 56% of the campaign's impact.  By partnering with PadSquad, we’ll leverage the appropriate identity signals to create relevant and impactful ad experiences that utilize every pixel to tell your brand story, drive engagement, and increase conversions along the path to purchase.

In Practice: Remarkable Results Without Cookies

By partnering with LiveRamp, PadSquad was able to onboard and utilize first-party data to target current and lapsed "cat food buyers" while developing innovative high-impact creative to drive purchases. To extend the campaign reach and acquire new customers, we leveraged contextual and identity-free behavioral data to scale the campaign and reach larger audiences. To make a human connection to cat owners, brand assets were assembled into adorable scroll-stopping ad executions that captured attention, reinforced the product benefits, and built consideration for in-store purchases.


*Creative & Advertiser pictured is for representative purposes only and may not be the actual creative that ran in market

This strategy paid off by filling shopping carts in stores, increasing brand preference and purchase intent, and, most importantly, tracked back to offline sales.  

Campaign results:

  • 2.2% increase in sales for the brand’s cat food product line 
  • (27% of which were net new customers)
  • $490,000+ in incremental sales.
  • $2.68 Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Looking to create remarkable creative experiences that don't rely on cookies? Contact us today to get started!

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