3 min read

Introducing The Reel: Product Cards Meets Look Book

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Today, advertising creative is more important than ever. With the cookieless web nearly upon us, it’s time to stop drooling over data, and time to start cheering on creative as a way to make meaningful connections and real business impact with your desired audience. In fact, a study by Nielsen Catalina Solutions found that 47% of a brand's sales lift from advertising is the consequence of the creative, the largest of any advertising element. 

We’re keeping our creative juices flowing over here like we always have as we continue to develop new products to effectively tell brand stories. Today, we’re rolling out our latest innovative ad format, The Reel. The Reel joins our suite of remarkable creative solutions we have built and perfected over the last 10+ years to help brands exceed their marketing goals and business objectives.

We are always honing our products, and on the lookout for the next big thing in rich media creative. So, we’ve taken two of our most effective formats and evolved them to create an all new high impact creative format inspired by the popular “reel” formats in social. The Reel combines engaging Product Cards with the captivating beauty of a Look Book. These formats are proven to drive both engagement and brand consideration, with engagement rates upwards of 14x higher than benchmark, and 24 point increases in consideration. 

The Reel gives customers an opportunity to interact with brand content in a full-screen format that highlights products and allows for a closer look by engaging with an interactive reel that brings featured imagery into the spotlight. Customers are greeted with a reel of imagery to navigate by sliding or swiping. As the consumer swipes, the selected thumbnail image will enlarge to a full-screen view with hotspots to provide additional content or product information. 

From retail to entertainment, to automotive and travel, with a little creativity, the opportunities are endless with this immersive new canvas. We can’t wait to see how different brands will take advantage of this unique format to tell incredible brand stories and drive real results. 

Leaders in Creative Innovation

In just the last 12 months our team has delivered:







award nominations and wins



We pride ourselves on developing bleeding edge high impact creative formats using the latest technologies and interactivity features to drive engagement. In just the last 12 months, the PadSquad Creative Team of developers and producers has built 650+ creatives across 280+ campaigns, while earning 7 award nominations and wins. PadSquad is on a mission to connect with consumers through innovative digital creative born out of data and designed to stimulate the senses. 

Contact us to learn more about our rich media ad formats. 

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