Celebrity Cruises

How pairing high impact creative with precise targeting helped this cruise line grow consideration.

Celebrity Cruises

Set Sail with High Impact Creative


The Objective

Facing all time high consumer eagerness to travel and increasing competition, Celebrity Cruises set sail on a mission to pair high impact creative with a savvy targeting strategy to stake their claim in the travel category and grow consideration.


The Solution

Four different rich media formats were leveraged to showcase the exclusive and premium travel experiences Celebrity Cruises offers. The selected formats offered key interactions to both grab attention and give consumers the chance to engage by exploring the brands premium cruise offerings on a deeper level. 

The high impact rich media units were targeted to Cultural Indulgers via audience-based targeting as they carried out their day-to-day online activities. Contextual targeting was executed to increase frequency and impact to make the splash needed to secure a spot in the travelers consideration set.

The Results

The campaign successfully engaged Cultural Indulgers, but also drove them to Celebrity Cruises website at a rate 2x the Celebrity Cruises benchmark.

The campaign creative drove a 25pt lift in consideration of Celebrity Cruises, with 3 in 4 people being more likely to book a Celebrity Cruises experience after viewing the ads. 

“The strategy to deploy high impact rich creative to make a splash in an exploding and ultra-competitive category helped us achieve our business goals of driving brand awareness and cruise bookings. The high impact nature of this campaign drove a site visit rate that was 33% higher than our programmatic display media.” - Vanessa Bouza, Global Paid Media, Celebrity Cruises


Site Visit Rate Benchmarks


Lift in Consideration Over the Competition

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